<p>The workgroup Educational Tooling is working on an overview of all the different tools that are currently being used,...</p>
Tag Archive for: collaboration
Educational Tools: Overview of tools used in education
, Educational tools, all tools, assesment & assignment, collaboration, communication, feedback, fieldwork, interactive courses, lb, online meeting, overview, peer, Peer Feedback, polling, practice, software, supported tools, Surveys, tools, virtual classroom
<p>The Advisory Committee Educational Tooling has created an overview of all the different tools that are currently being used...</p>
, Collaboration and project tools, assignments, Brightspace integrated tools, collaboration, interaction, project campus, projectcampus
<p>Since 30 July 2021 Projectcampus is no longer available in Brightspace. Below you can find information regarding alternative tooling. Projectcampus...</p>
Group tools overview
, Collaboration & Communication, brightspace group tools, brightspace groups, collaboration, compare group, export groups, Group Tools, import groups, self enrollment tool
<p>Each group in Brightspace has a maximum capacity of 200 participants and is restricted to 200 groups per category....</p>
Create Assignments for groups
, Collaboration & Communication, assignment, collaboration, communication, group assignment, group exam, group paper, group submission, interaction, submission folders, submissions
<p>Groups created in Brightspace can be used to let students work together and submit assignments. This page explains how...</p>