<p>Quick Eval offers evaluators a single location to view all learner submissions that are awaiting for evaluation. Submissions made to...</p>
Tag Archive for: overview
Educational Tools: Questions related to privacy and security
, Educational tools, all tools, assessmnt, assignment, assignments, collaboration, communicationprojects, conference call, downloads, feedback, fieldwork, interactive courses, lb, overview, peer, polling, practice, software, Surveys, tools, videos, virtual classroom
<p>The workgroup Educational Tooling is working on an overview of all the different tools that are currently being used,...</p>
Educational Tools: Overview of tools used in education
, Educational tools, all tools, assesment & assignment, collaboration, communication, feedback, fieldwork, interactive courses, lb, online meeting, overview, peer, Peer Feedback, polling, practice, software, supported tools, Surveys, tools, virtual classroom
<p>The Advisory Committee Educational Tooling has created an overview of all the different tools that are currently being used...</p>
Remote teaching tools overview
, Educational tools, all tools, overview, supported tools, tools, tools overview
<p>Below is an overview of tools you can use for remote teaching which are general available at the TU...</p>
Navigate Brightspace
, Getting started with Brightspace, bookmarks, content, course, course pages, course structures, email, familiar, getting started, home, information, materials, message, messaging, navigation, notifications, overview, profile, start, table of contents
<p>Welcome to Brightspace! In this article we will introduce you to the platform and guide you through the first...</p>