<p>Category: Help for StudentsOn this page you can find how to Enroll and Unenroll from Courses and Groups in...</p>
Tag Archive for: access
Deciding between Quizzes, Surveys, and Self-Assessments
, Adding course Content & Activities, access, account, add, administrator, authorisation, authorization, change, classlist, content, course manager, getting started, instructor, participants, permissions, roles, student assistant, teaching assistant, teaching assistants, tutor, users
<p>Brightspace offers a variety of formative and summative assessment tools, deciding which one to use is often seen as...</p>
My Brightspace account and access
, Course Settings, access, account, account settings, getting started, log in, logging, login, notifications, profile, settings
<p>In order to log in to your Brightspace account you will need your NetID. The NetID is a TU...</p>
Manage Course Participants
, Course Settings, access, add, add new page, add page, add templates, batch, bulk, classlist, content, course access, create new page, edit content, enroll, enrolling, Giving people access to the course, templates, unenroll, unenrolling, users
<p>Adding or removing students from your course is usually the role of an administrator in your department or faculty....</p>
Course Catalog settings
, Course Settings, access, active, course access, Course Catalog, enroll, Giving people access to the course, inactive, listed, open, Self-enrolment, visible course catalog
<p>Most Brightspace courses are listed in the Course Catalog, and are available for self-enrollment by students. Some courses will...</p>
Manage the availability of your course and content
, Course Settings, access, access courses student, activate, activating, activating course, content, course, course access, course active, course inactive, Giving people access to the course, invisitble, materials, publish, publish content, visible
<p>For the students to be able to visit your course, the correct content must be Visible and your page...</p>