<p>The workgroup Educational Tooling is working on an overview of all the different tools that are currently being used,...</p>
Archive for category: Educational tools
Educational Tools: Overview of tools used in education
, Educational tools, all tools, assesment & assignment, collaboration, communication, feedback, fieldwork, interactive courses, lb, online meeting, overview, peer, Peer Feedback, polling, practice, software, supported tools, Surveys, tools, virtual classroom
<p>The Advisory Committee Educational Tooling has created an overview of all the different tools that are currently being used...</p>
<p>Buddycheck is a simple to set up and use peer evaluation tool which allows students to evaluate each team...</p>
Remote teaching tools overview
, Educational tools, all tools, overview, supported tools, tools, tools overview
<p>Below is an overview of tools you can use for remote teaching which are general available at the TU...</p>
Grade quizzes
, Assessing assignments & Grading, assessment, grade, grading, questions, Quiz, Quizzes, self assessment, self assessments, survey
<p>Quizzes can be graded, released and published manually or automatically by Brightspace. This article explains how to use each...</p>
Setting up grade book in your course for the first time using grades setup wizard
, Assessing assignments & Grading, final grade, grade, grade scheme, gradebook, grades, grades display option, grading display, grading system, grading wizard, setup, wizard
<p>The grade book contains your grading system, grade calculations, grade scheme, grade items, view and display options. Brightspace grade...</p>
, Classroom tools, External Tools, instant feedback, polls, Quizzes, Turning Point, Turningpoint
<p>TurningPoint (PointSolutions) is a system that allows students to participate actively in class, by giving responses to polls. This...</p>
, Assessment related tools, Educational tools, manuals osiris, osiris, support osiris, teacher, teachers osiris
<p>OSIRIS is the system for educational administration at TU Delft. The Studentportal of Osiris is MyTUDelft. Here students can...</p>
, Classroom tools, Educational tools, capturing, collegerama, embed video, lectures, recording, video, videos
<p>Collegerama is a TUDelft on-campus video service provided by the NewMedia Centre which allows you to record your lecture...</p>
How to use a SMARTboard
, Classroom tools, digi-board, digiboard, interactive, smart-board, training
<p>A smart board or a digital blackboard (digi-board) can be viewed as a digital version of the classical blackboard/whiteboard....</p>